
National Racehorse Week Open Day

Sunday 19th September 2021

We held our inaugural Open Day yesterday for National Racehorse Week.  Luckily the weather changed for us and by the time people were arriving the sun started shining and we had a lovely day.  Mark gave an introduction about himself, his pathway into racing and the property and then we all proceeded into the yard for a parade of the horses.  Mark spoke about each horse individually and they were all impecably behaved.  This was very impressive as Foxhill Moto Cross was also holding an event only two fields away and the noise could have wound them up.  This was followed by questions from the audience.  We then walked to the all-weather arena where Mark and Nick Brooks gave a demonstration with Kyllinga and Dutch Harbor on re-training racehorses so that they go on to have successful and fulfilling lives as sport horses after their career as a racehorse is over.  There was also a demonstration of the horsewalker and a trip to the gallops where Mark explained about the surface and and showed the carpet fibres from Carpet Gallop and people had the opportunity to walk on the gallops for themselves.  The event was also supported by Carpet Gallop who loaned us their event showroom so that we could have informal chats with our visitors.  Haddon Training had a stall as they are supporting our new apprentice, Amy Loveridge, who is gaining her qualifications through them.  Finally we were lucky to have a very nice catering van, Just on the Hoof, who did a brisk trade in coffee and refreshments not to mention the home made cakes and sausage rolls.  All in all it was a very successful day and all the people who attended seemed to be impressed and enjoy it.